Tuesday, September 28, 2010

   First before starting I wanted to update everyone on my blog entry yesterday....I found out in reality I was making a huge deal out of nothing...I tend to do that :( In reality, my husband was just getting sick...not making me pay for anything or having double standards....
   Okay...thanks for bearing with me...I tend to be an over-reactor and sometimes a complainer...some people call that venting though...and since this is Free Thinkers Anonymous...well I think that entitles me to say what I want...free thinking...right?
   So I wanted to first, highlight the above picture. It's gorgeous! I have one that is similar in my living room. The above scene is deep in the woods during summer, I have the winter version. 
   I wanted to let everyone know that I am also very sorry for not posting for a couple of days, I have been sick :( Have not even been able to get out of bed all weekend long. Luckily my husband had Sunday off, he allowed me to sleep and re-cooperate, and I feel tons better now. 
   I will start writing again, so those of you who follow my articles on Triond, that will start again. Those of you who choose to read this blog, expect great things to happen! 
   Also feel free to ask questions. If you want you can leave an anonymous comment asking whatever you would like to know...
Once again, thanks for reading! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

   Have you ever held or been held by double standards? I recently decided to go out and have a girl's night with my friends. My husband was going to meet us later, which was fine. 
   I had talked to him previously and made sure he didn't care if I did so, and he agreed that it was fine. He goes out with his friends for guy's night just as much as I hang out with my friends. I used to get upset because he wanted to go out, but when it was my turn it would cause a fiasco, so in turn I would throw a fit when he hung out with his friends. We recently decided this had to change, if he was going to hang out with his friends, I would hang out with mine. (normal, all fine and dandy...or so I thought)
   So he hung out with his buddies on Thursday night. He knew I would be hanging out with my girl friends on Friday night. After he gets off work, he comes over and hangs out with us...and I figured that he would be fine. He would act okay, be accepting, and actually talk. I must have expected to much, because instead his attitude was not inviting, it was that of a father figure. 
   I do not think that it is anyone's right to tell me what to do, who I should and shouldn't talk to, especially when I do not return the parenting style. Did I used to? Yes, but that has changed, and he has seen it change. All I expect is the same respect I show him. Is there anything wrong with that?

Friday, September 24, 2010

    I am an avid user of Swagbucks, Facebook, and Triond...and all 3 are being absolutely slow lately! 

  I don't understand how all the sites I use are down right now...but am grateful blogger is still up and running :) 

  So I was looking through some pictures today because they tend to inspire me...I found the one about, Jimi Hendrix "Craziness is like heaven" and it made me think about the Jimi Hendrix museum in Seattle, Washington. Ever been there? It's awesome! The outside is (and because there is no other word for it I promise!) psychadelic! (sp?) 

  Anyway...I realize this was pretty random....but well it's my blog and I'll write what I want to, write what I want to! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'd Rather Have Honesty Than Icing

   Life....isn't it grand? My life has been filled with all sorts of emotions. I can go through a large span of emotions in just one day, sometimes even one hour.

   There are times that I want to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time. With no reason behind those emotions, or mixture of my mind gets confused and I become stressed on top of it. 

   Lately I've been having issues with friends, or people who call themselves that. First you have to know that I am an extremely blunt person. If I am thinking something, I am probably speaking it. I have a hard time holding my opinion back, and I don't see any reason to. I don't really sugar coat anything, and I forget other people do not see the world through my eyes. I seem to become friends with overly sensitive people, I have 3 who are not. 

   The 3 people who understand me, get me, and don't get mad at me for speaking my mind. In fact they do the same. They know that they are not going to hurt my feelings, because I would rather have honesty than icing. 

   My life, as I understand it, is up to me to make. I have to live with myself every day, so why not be the person I am instead of someone trying to live up to other people's perceptions? The only way I am able to be happy is to be me...any other way and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. 

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan

Art Print

Buy at AllPosters.com

Goodbye Summer


   Well I may not be in Paris (Which is lovely by the way, don't you think?) but Autumn is fast upon us. The leaves on my beautiful trees outside my window are changing from greens to oranges and reds. 
   I happen to love this time of the year, though summer will be missed. So as a tribute to saying goodbye to summer I would like to share what will be missed. 
   Dear Summer,
   I will miss the way the sun warms me without fighting with the cold. The wardrobe that will have to be put up for winter will be missed as well. I will miss the way the water feels when it surrounds me as I swim in the lake. The laughter that fills the air as the children play at the park. 
   Though you will be missed, I understand it is time for you to sleep. I will see you after Autumn, Winter, and Spring. 
Sleep Well Summer,

   Though I will dearly miss being able to wear shorts, I am looking forward to putting them away and getting out the hoodies and jeans. 

    I am also looking forward to the holidays that come at the end of every year, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My excitement builds with each passing day! 

   What is it that you will miss about Summer, and what are you looking forward to in the coming months?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Picky Picky

Buy at AllPosters.com

   I chose the picture above to represent the confusion that comes with manipulation....

   Women have been manipulating men for centuries. It is just now coming to light, the ways they do it, and the motives behind doing it.

   It is no secret that women use manipulations in all relationships of life to get what they want.  I say why not? They know how to work it, it works, so should they keep working it? 

   That is not to say that men are stupid and can be manipulated easily, that is just to say that women are sneaky and conniving. 

   The most popular technique used for manipulation is sex. That fails to be a secret as well. All men know that if they get their woman angry enough, she will in turn withhold sex.  Men usually want to avoid this, though I have met a few men who could care less, their hand serves the same purpose. 

   read on...

The Main Ways Women Manipulate Men

How To Manipulate Men

Romance....Yeah Right

   As a little girl my dreams were filled with what life would be like as an adult. I dreamed of dancing, roses, kisses, and hugs.  I wanted my life to be filled with romance, and not just any romance, the fairytale kind. 

   I thought for sure my husband would be a prince, maybe not a real prince, but he would treat me as though he were and as if I were his princess.  I imagined hand holding, door opening, days filled with chivalry. There was never any housework involved, I had maids for that! 
   If only right....
   Romance rarely happens. Life comes in and pushes all sense of romance away. You start to see the little things in life as romantic, and forget what roses even smell like. 

   Prince Charming doesn't exist. Prince Stinky Feet, Prince of Belches and Farts, Sir Mess A Lot, now they exist. Prince Complainer, and Whiner, and Moaner, they exist too. There are happy endings, but your definition of happy ending changes. 

   Happy is now defined by a clean house, no whining, no moaning, no complaining. You learn to appreciate the little things because the little things are all you get. You start to realize how as a child you were duped. Your parents let you watch all those fairy tales and fill your mind with a bunch of goop. 

   Why are we allowing this lifestyle to continue? It is the job of parents to train their little ones in the way that they will go, right? Well why not train our little men to be gentlemen and our little women to be good wives and mothers? Why are we overlooking the most basic and most important qualities our children need to learn? 

   I am a mother of two, and after arguing with my husband once more I have decided this is exactly what I am going to do. I do not want my children to experience the small heartaches of life. I only pray that someone somewhere out there is doing the same thing. Teaching the children that will be the spouses to my children these qualities and values.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Realizing True Potential

So as you can see, I have been working online for a little over 2 years now. I do pretty good for myself, but I have not reached my full potential.

I struggle with taking into account the things I have learned over the years and putting those things into action. Call it stubborn, I call it just plain out idiocy! I have been thinking a lot about SEO optimization and how the articles I write fail to put the things I've learned about that into practice...so I'm thinking I'm going to go back and fix those articles so they can operate at their full potential.

I have also learned that the longer you work something the more successful you will become. That is why I am actually going to stick with this blog :) I have had MANY other blogs...but I see no success in readership or anything else...and I slowly give up...and stop posting all together...but I'm not going to do that this time. Even if it takes me another 2 years to even get one reader I am going to stick with it! I hope that you will see me through this amazing goal!

Hey maybe you could be my first follower!

I am going to be that yellow cab...sticking out like a sore thumb in a world of drab!

Addicted to .(dot).(dot).(dot)

Yes I am... I am addicted to using the ...

I just can't help myself...as I am typing and thinking of what I want to say my fingers just automatically ... for absolutely no reason.

It's actually hard to tell when I am purposefully using ... or it's just a random ... not to be read as ...

I am also addicted to using ; ) the winky face ; ) yep! and the ! ! !

So what is it that you do automatically? What can't you stop doing?


Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

So I joined a site called allposters.com as an affiliate around 2 years ago. It is a site that sells posters and allows you to use the images of the posters as pictures for free as long as you link back. Its a good thing to link back because if someone buys a poster from your link you get a commission.

I didn't really care about the commission at all, I needed the free pictures. They were really good quality there, so I signed up. After creating a few lenses on Squidoo with my favorite poster pictures I pretty much forgot about allposters.

As I was going to create a new lens today I remembered the site and logged in only to find that not only did I somehow manage to get referrals, my referrals had made around $300 in sales just last month. I don't even know who my referrals are but you go whoever you are!

Well this has motivated me to maybe pick up the slack a little and get the ball rolling. If they can do, I should be able to do it too!

Plus I earn from their sales...so thank you referrals!

If you would like to join my team you can! Here's the link:

Sunday, September 19, 2010


So I have two of the most precious children in the world! They are both squeaky clean...and in jammies now...and I am just thinking of how absolutely great my life is!

Earlier...as they always do....I was bathing my children and a thought for an article came to me....I thought what would it be like if I only had one child....but then how would I choose which one...then I decided God definitely knew what he was doing when he blessed me with both of my babies!!!

Really grateful for the life God has given me!

Triond (My Link to the Outside World)

Okay so I mentioned Triond in a former post...but I want to explain a little about what exactly it is. For some this will be helpful and useful information...for others well you are either a part of the site, or have no interest....

Triond is a website that allows you to get your creations published for the ENTIRE world to see via the web.  If you have a talent for writing, Triond gives you a platform to get your written word out there! Maybe your talent is visual and you enjoy photography or possibly videography, they publish that too. But wait...I'm not done!

In addition to getting your content out there, sharing it with other people, getting good quality feedback, or whatever your motivation for getting what you create out into the world, they pay you.  Hold up...go back read it again...yep that's right it says THEY PAY YOU!

Triond pays you to publish your creations with them.  Here's why: Triond publishes your stuff, they have several different websites made to fit the category of content you chose to create.  After publishing your content they then add ads to the pages your content is published on.  There aren't many ads but there are ads.  Triond pays you for that ability.  They pay based on the amount of views your content draws in.  The more content you have published, the more views you will get over all. If you are going to sign up for Triond, know that it does take work to get what you want out of it, but if you work it you will succeed.  Publish as much as you possibly can think of!

Are you an adsense user? You can now integrate adsense into your Triond account, and make even more with adsense! Triond splits the pay between you and them for the adsense ads that are on your content.  They split it equally, 50/50! If you aren't making what you would want to make with adsense, Triond is definitely the way to go!

They also do the promoting for you, you don't have to! It does help if you do some promoting, but if you don't know how, or don't have the time, you don't have to worry about it! All you have to do is submit your content, get it published, and sit back while the revenue comes in.

There are many helpful users there to guide you in your quest.  If you have questions there is a helpful forum to which you can post your questions and other users will help you the best they can.  Triond also has a great support staff, and you can contact them any time with an issue you may have.  They are always very quick and helpful.

If you haven't made the decision to join Triond yet, what are you waiting for! Come join the community and make some money!


I write for an online publishing company called Triond.  I get most of my free thoughts out there through that medium...however there are some things I want to write about that I just don't deem article worthy, so I have this blog.  This is where everyone can view and comment on how the mind of alainaellington really works.

Some may not like it, and to you I say...there's a comment section, speak your mind!

Okay, so lately I have been running into a lot of the infectious disease that is writer's block....I hate it when that happens. I always start out on a good roll....and then...dun..dun...dunnnn.....blocked!!

Anyone know any cures for this?

Oh while I am here...I will also let you know that I speak freely...this blog is not edited...won't be edited...and for the most part probably is not for the faint of heart...I have issues my dear friends and you are bound to hear about them!