Tuesday, September 28, 2010

   First before starting I wanted to update everyone on my blog entry yesterday....I found out in reality I was making a huge deal out of nothing...I tend to do that :( In reality, my husband was just getting sick...not making me pay for anything or having double standards....
   Okay...thanks for bearing with me...I tend to be an over-reactor and sometimes a complainer...some people call that venting though...and since this is Free Thinkers Anonymous...well I think that entitles me to say what I want...free thinking...right?
   So I wanted to first, highlight the above picture. It's gorgeous! I have one that is similar in my living room. The above scene is deep in the woods during summer, I have the winter version. 
   I wanted to let everyone know that I am also very sorry for not posting for a couple of days, I have been sick :( Have not even been able to get out of bed all weekend long. Luckily my husband had Sunday off, he allowed me to sleep and re-cooperate, and I feel tons better now. 
   I will start writing again, so those of you who follow my articles on Triond, that will start again. Those of you who choose to read this blog, expect great things to happen! 
   Also feel free to ask questions. If you want you can leave an anonymous comment asking whatever you would like to know...
Once again, thanks for reading! 

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