Sunday, September 19, 2010

Triond (My Link to the Outside World)

Okay so I mentioned Triond in a former post...but I want to explain a little about what exactly it is. For some this will be helpful and useful information...for others well you are either a part of the site, or have no interest....

Triond is a website that allows you to get your creations published for the ENTIRE world to see via the web.  If you have a talent for writing, Triond gives you a platform to get your written word out there! Maybe your talent is visual and you enjoy photography or possibly videography, they publish that too. But wait...I'm not done!

In addition to getting your content out there, sharing it with other people, getting good quality feedback, or whatever your motivation for getting what you create out into the world, they pay you.  Hold up...go back read it again...yep that's right it says THEY PAY YOU!

Triond pays you to publish your creations with them.  Here's why: Triond publishes your stuff, they have several different websites made to fit the category of content you chose to create.  After publishing your content they then add ads to the pages your content is published on.  There aren't many ads but there are ads.  Triond pays you for that ability.  They pay based on the amount of views your content draws in.  The more content you have published, the more views you will get over all. If you are going to sign up for Triond, know that it does take work to get what you want out of it, but if you work it you will succeed.  Publish as much as you possibly can think of!

Are you an adsense user? You can now integrate adsense into your Triond account, and make even more with adsense! Triond splits the pay between you and them for the adsense ads that are on your content.  They split it equally, 50/50! If you aren't making what you would want to make with adsense, Triond is definitely the way to go!

They also do the promoting for you, you don't have to! It does help if you do some promoting, but if you don't know how, or don't have the time, you don't have to worry about it! All you have to do is submit your content, get it published, and sit back while the revenue comes in.

There are many helpful users there to guide you in your quest.  If you have questions there is a helpful forum to which you can post your questions and other users will help you the best they can.  Triond also has a great support staff, and you can contact them any time with an issue you may have.  They are always very quick and helpful.

If you haven't made the decision to join Triond yet, what are you waiting for! Come join the community and make some money!

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